
"Urban Odisha is moving towards Swachh Odisha Sustha Odisha"

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Micro Composting Centre: A viable option for Decentralised Composting

Bhubaneswar(SPB)Many Urban Local Bodies face serious problem of solid waste management (SWM) due to rapid urbanization. The quantity and physical composition of solid waste is continuously changing with population, changing life styles, income and consumption patterns of people. There is a strong need for proper solid waste disposal. Improper solid waste disposal may cause severe environmental and health hazards. In order to meet these challenges, the decentralized solid waste management is an effective solution to minimize the problems in urban areas. 

In an attempt to make Odisha, Swachh Odisha Sustha Odisha, while exploring various options for decentralised solid waste management model, Housing & Urban Development Department has embarked upon Tamilnadu model of Micro Composting Centre, an innovative option for proper management of wet waste. Since MCC is a proven technology, cost effective, community driven and user friendly, Urban Local bodies have adopted it in their respective areas with much conviction. Team headed by Principal Secretary, H&UD Deptt and Mission Director, Swachh Bharat Mission visited Tamilnadu to witness the best practices and replicate the same in Urban local Bodies of Odisha. Not only that in order to make the functionaries aware and make them understand about the process and methodology of MCC, all PD, DUDAs, Municipal Commissioners, Executive Officers, Health officers, Municipal Engineers have been oriented about the MCC through a one-day workshop at the State level. 

Similarly, 28606 personnel involved in SWM has been trained at the ULB level. As a part of the establishing MCC, ULBS have prepared comprehensive action plan in tune with the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) issued by this Department incorporating manpower, machinery requirement, vehicle route map, sample survey, design and estimate etc for smooth and uniform implementation. 

Hon’ble Chief Minister Sri Naveen Patnaik has laid the foundation for construction of 242 Micro Composting Centres across all ULBs of the State with an objective to make our urban areas garbage free in coming days.

 It is good to see that Micro Composting centres of different capacities, 1 to 5 TPD are being set up at the ULBs. Even in some Micro Composting centres, compost has been generated and ready to be utilised which will replace the chemical fertilisers being used in days to come. Minister, Pachayatiraj, Drinking Water, Law , Housing & Urban Development Pratap Jena is constantly reviewing the progress of MCC in the field as well. 

