Some section of society creating confusion on Kunduli Forensic Report 

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The  final report submitted to Hon'ble court is correct in all respect.


Bhubaneswar / Girija Dash  : A csse was registered in Pottongi PS vide Case No.1O2, dtd 10.1o.t7 U/s.376(D)/377 TPC r.w. Section 6 POCSO Act which was later taken up by Crime Branch, Odisha and registered as CfD PS Case No. 20 dtd. 08.11 .!7 under the same sections. The exhibits seized in the case were sent by the IO of the district police to State Forensic Science Labaratory, Bhubaneswar f or examination and opinion. The sent exhibits were examined at SFSL by experts of different divisions after which the final report wqs submitted by Director, SFSL to the Court of SDJM, Jeypore, Koroput on dtd. 23.t0.20t7. Recentry some news items got published /shown in some sections of print ond electronic media  alleging inconsistencies between the intermediate interdivisional draft report and the final report of SFSL. Nonetheless, the debate and discussions and various opinions expressed by some sections of people repeatedly reported in print qnd electronic media, has generated confusion ond suspicion in public perception. in response, Director, SFSL, Bhubqneswor has come out with a press note clarifying that the finol report submitted to Hon'ble court is correct in all respect.

Crime Bronch is the premier investigotion ogency of the Stote ond functions with utmost professionolism ond core. As o dispute has surfaced   question the findings of report, DGP, Odisha on dtd. 27.01.18, hqs directed to get the exhibits re'examined from Cenlrsl Forensic Science Loborotory (CFSL) for  second opinion, so as to clear the qir ond put qn end to oll speculotions in order to establish foirness ond transporency in investigation which hqs been maintained throughout. Hence therefore Crime Branch in this case has proyed to the  concerned Court for getting the exhibits re-examined qt CFSL, Kolkata which is a Central Govt. body ond os per the orders of Hon'ble Court received,the available exhibits have already been sent to CFSL, Kolkata for detoil exqminotion on dtd. 3Oth January , 2O!8.

