
‘Believe in yourself & synergise your strengths to achieve wonders,’ says, Chairman SAIL Mr. A K Chaudhary in his message to RSP collective.

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Rourkela/ Sushanta Behera : Believe in yourself, synergise your   strengths and walk together to achieve wonders,’ said, Mr. Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Chairman SAIL in an interview  on  Rourkela Steel Television on the 2nd day of his maiden visit to Rourkela Steel Plant as the SAIL Chief.
 In an exclusive interview with Mr. Ramendra Kumar, DGM, PR & COC, Mr. Choudhury praised RSP collective for its  grit and commitment. Mr. Chaudhary  exhorted everyone to follow the ‘ABC’ of safety, that is to bring about a change in Attitude, Behaviour & Culture.
 During the course of the interview, Mr.  Chaudhary  advised the RSP collective to make full utilisation of the facilities and come up with suggestions to help the Plant improve its production and performance.
As a part of communication exercise undertaken by the SAIL Chairman, a series of meetings were organised with different unions of the Steel  Plant, the Executive Association, Rourkela, Chamber of Commerce, Deepika Mahila Sanghati and Diploma Engineers Association.
Thereafter, the SAIL Chief visited Ispat General Hospital where he was taken to the ‘under-construction’ site of Burn Centre  and the  site  of the proposed  Super Speciality Hospital. Dr. S. S. Pati, Director, M&HS  briefed the visiting dignitary about the  plans and projects. The SAIL Chief, Mr. Chaudhary was accompanied by Mr. Atul Srivastava, Director (Personnel), Mr.  Harinand Rai, Director (Technical), Mr. Ashwini Kumar, CEO, RSP  and other senior officers.

