
Emiment Paediatrician wrote to health secretary : "Lock down and shut down cannot restrict the community spread fully."

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Bhubaneswar(shasak prashasak):  Emiment Paediatrician Dr Arabind mohanty  wrote a letter  to health secretary of odisha stating "Lock down and shut down cannot restrict the community spread fully." He suggested some measures in his letter to prevent community spreading . .

Here is the letter written to the Health Secretary .



The Secretary to Government of Odisha,

Health and Family Welfare  Department,




Lock down and shut down cannot restrict the community spread fully.

1.The patients with COVID19 are coming to Odisha carrying the virus in their body, luggage and gifts for their family and friends.

2.First fault committed   by not  restricting them at  the first steps on the soil of Odisha by flight ,ship, train, bus and other vehicle.

3.They should be restricted by quarantine , investigated ,isolated to restrict community spread. These non-identified CORONA patients may be accepted by the state as suicidal bomb carrying terrorists.

4.They will never reveal their identity and show their innocence and give the full details of their contact ,touch, vehicle for their transmission and try to conceal their identity.

5. Isolation , lockdown ,shutdown are excellent steps for gentle man and good citizens. To procure  essential goods and medical assistance are very good loop hole for people with criminal / careless / stray animal attitude to come out of their house. They have not only created problems for themselves but also pushed Odisha into dangerous situation .

6. Print and electronic media are not  giving the public any information regarding  signs and symptoms and contacting the police 100 and COVID control room 104 till 04.04.2020.

7. The persons coming out breaking the law to be treated as CRIMINALS to create destruction of society and will be an excellent   vehicle   for rapid community spread. They should be treated as   thief, burglars  caught by the society  and handed over to police.

8.The general public /private and government doctors/ drivers of private and auto-rickshaw ,town bus, taxi / medicine shops /grocery shops owners are to be educated by media to identify a case in their community .  They should be encouraged and taken into confidence to report to police in 100 and COVID centre 104 . An incentive /award need to be given to the informer with their kept confidentially.

9. Doctors and medical and paramedical staffs are to be allowed in a single transport  properly disinfected  arranged by the Government/ the concerned  hospitals. For transport of the patients ambulance/ town bus is to be used to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

11. A simple form in local language/ hindi/English  is to be developed and circulated through media to identify and report as soon as possible to restrict community spread.

12. Doctors, nurses and paramedical staffs  ,emergency staffs like Police , Representative of print and electronic media, safai staffs ,domiciliary servants,

Owner of grocery /medicine shops are human bombs and destroyer of their family and will silently spread the disease for an explosive community spread.

They should be educated to remove their dress and under garments before they enter into the house like our rituals we perform after we reach our house after we return from swarga dwar and kept in soap and hot water . The spectacles, belt   ,shoes, money purse are to be sterilised by steriliser /ethyl alcohol/ hypochlorite solution. No steps are taken to educate these group who are smooth vehicle for COVID19 for community spread.

12.  If Government of Odisha will allow,INDIAN ACADEMY OF PAEDITRICS ,ODISHA STATE BRANCH AND DIVYANGA SAHAYAK are ready to  award and felicitate  incentive of RS 500.00 to every informer of Patients/Contacts of first 10  sero -positive   COVID19 cases detected from date 04.04.2020   by telephonic information to police or state nodal centre for saving and long life of children of Odisha.

Hope you will kindly analyse the situation and take the best steps as decided by Govt.

With Humble regards,

Dr Arabinda Mohanty,

Retired Paediatrician,

Past President, Indian Academy of Paediatrics, Odisha,

Co-ordinator, Divyang Sahayak

Mob 9437008000

