
There will be atleast one model police station in each district : DGP Dr Sharma

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60th Senior Police Officers' Conference – 2018 started

Counselling centre must be opened to

deal with all matters related to Women and Children

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Bhubaneswar( Girija shankar Dash)   it has been decided to introduce at least one model police station in each district of the state which will be ideal in all aspects of its functioning. Counselling centre must be opened to deal with all matters related to Women and Children with utmost empathy, said  police DG Dr Rajendra Prasad sharma addressing The 60th Senior Police officers' Conference, 2018 of Odisha Police here at Bhubaneswar today .
  The Conference was formally inaugurated by Dr. R.P.Sharma, IPS, DGP in the Convention hall of Police Bhawan. At the outset DGP offered deep condolences to the family members of those brave hearts who laid down their lives in the line of duty. In his inaugural address, DGP stressed on basics of policing like law and order, police leadership, man management, crime control etc. Senior Police officers' Conference will continue till 15.03.2018 and being attended by 138 Senior Police Officers from different establishments of Police including District SsP and Commandants of Battalions.
    DGP appreciated the Police officers for effective management of law and order, crime control, pro-active handling of LWE and successful conduct of mega festivals, sports meets and recently concluded by-election at Bijepur.
    DGP called upon the young Police officers to actively participate in the debates, discussions and interactive programmes in the conference. The issues and challenges relevant to contemporary policing have been carefully studied and chosen as topics of discussion in the conference. – added DGP in his inaugural address. DGP called upon the Senior Police Officers to continually strive to improve police public relations and increase public confidence in Police.
    DGP in his address also emphasised on people friendly Police Stations, ethical behaviour in policing, effective use of social media, critical incident management  community policing, modern policing, maximum restraint and minimum force dictum, free  registration of cases in the Police Stations, improvement in conviction rate, charge-sheeting of cases where there is sufficient and credible evidence, personal monitoring of critical cases by SsP and Range Heads, provision of compensation to victims as per rule, maintenance of high level of professionalism, inculcation of right values etc. 
    DGP emphasised for a serious rethink on the changing paradigm of modern policing & the need to re-orient our strategies to adopt with time.  in today’s  dynamic & fast changing world new forms of  crime, like, cyber crime & cyber security have come to centre stage and police needs to upgrade its skills with use of new modern gadgets and technologym said DG Dr Sarma.
    He expressed the importance of use  of latest technological innovations, like, introduction of e-office in State Police Headquarters as well as in the Range and District officers to make them paperless & faster movement of file on line bringing transparency and optimum use of manpower.
    DGP called upon all senior officers to exhibit exemplary leadership qualities with high standards of professionalism, integrity and probity and set new benchmark of policing in Odisha.
    Sri Satyajit Mohanty, Addl. DGP and Conference Secretary gave the key note address and Sri Amitabh Thakur, IGP and Dy. Conference Secretary gave vote of thanks.
    In the subsequent sessions of today's Conference, there were detailed deliberations on professional policing subjects like Law and order, Left Wing Extremism, Capacity Building of Police Stations, People Friendly Policing, Ethical Behaviour in Policing and Effective use of Social Media in Policing

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