
Urban Odisha is geared up for Swachh Survekshan 2020

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Bhubaneswar: For the first time, Swachh Survekshan League 2020 (SS League 2020) has been introduced with the objective of sustaining the on-ground performance of cities along with continuous monitoring of service level performance when it comes to cleanliness in local Urban Bodies of Odisha.

It is a ranking exercise taken up by to assess urban areas for their levels of cleanliness and activities which includes Solid Waste Management, Liquid Waste Management, Plastic Waste Management etc. in a timely and innovative manner. The objective of the survey is to encourage large scale citizen participation and create awareness amongst all sections of society about the importance of working together towards making towns and cities a better place to live in. Additionally, the survey also intends to foster a spirit of healthy competition among towns and cities to improve their service delivery to citizens, towards creating cleaner cities and towns.

SS League 2020 is being conducted in 3 quarters, i.e. April- June, July – September and October- December . The performance of cities in SS League 2020 is crucial to their ranking in Swachh Survekshan 2020 due to the 25% weightage of the quarterly assessments to be included in the annual survey scheduled to commenced from 4th January and continue till 31st January 2020.

Housing & Urban Development Department of Govt of Odisha has taken proactive steps in this direction and undertaken many activities. In order to tune of the personnel of Urban Local Bodies, on different aspects of Swachh Survekshan 2020, a regional workshop was organized at the State level in Bhubaneswar. Swachh Survekshan toolkits and other required handouts were distributed among participants to enable them refer the points and use it as ready beckoner. Since Swachh Survekshan requires voluminous data uploading on regular basis, a one-day orientation programme was organized for the Sanitation Experts and MIS programmers at the State level.

A Comprehensive Plan of Action with the assignments among senior officers with timeline has been circulated in this connection. IEC materials on Swachh Survekshan have been prepared and shared with ULBs for wider dissemination

As per the plan, all the 114 Urban local bodies of Odisha have undertaken various initiatives as preparedness measures for Swachh Survekshan 2020. Meeting with the different stakeholders has been organised at the ULB level to sensitize them regarding Swachh Survekshan 2020. Massive awareness drives have been conducted in urban areas to ensure better participation of citizens in Swachh Survekshan 2020. Urban local bodies are generating mass awareness through distribution of leaflets, Mike announcement, Wall Paintings, Rallies, competitions, street plays, Hoardings, Mascot, Focus Group Discussions etc. ‘Swachh Sathis” nominated from Women SHGs are acting as the key player to drive the movement and are entrusted with the responsibility of generating awareness during their household by visiting each and every household in the assigned wards.


This exercise is an endeavor not only to generate awareness on Swachh Survekshan 2020 but also a bold step to make Odisha, Swachh Odisha Sustha Odisha’.


