
 Police must be people-friendly with attitude to serve people : Navin 

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60th Senior Police Officers' Conference – 2018 concluded 

Bhubaneswar   Lauding the  the progress of Odisha in different spheres of administration during the last two decades CM Navin Pattnaik  called upon the Senior Police Officers to raise the standards of policing to match global bench mark. Citeing the achievements of State govt. in disaster management which  has got the UN appreciation Sri Pattanaik said that  Odisha is fast emerging as a top destination of international investors because of stable law and order situation. Bhubaneswar is regarded as safe and smart city internationally. Police deserves due credit for such distinctions and achievements. Police must be people-friendly with attitude to serve people. The resource constraints of the Police will be taken care to make it pro-people and efficient., said CM Sri Pattanaik while addressing In the valedictory session of the 60th Senior Police Officers' Conference, 2018.

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Chief Minister attended the programme as Chief Guest and addressed the delegates .He also released a book "Crime in Odisha – 2016" and inaugurated the Mobile App "SAHAYATA" on this occasion. The State Crime Record Bureau has prepared the book as well as developed this Mobile App for the benefit of common citizens.

At the outset, Dr. R.P.Sharma, DGP gave his keynote address and spoke in detail about the proceedings of the conference during the last 3 days. He also lauded the support of Hon'ble CM for Police modernisation and infrastructural development of Odisha Police during the last two decades. He spoke on infrastructural development of Police, Commissioning of Commissimerate system of policing, a Professional Economic Offence Wing, well-equipped Cyber Crime Units, well trained Special Operation Group, highly capable Special Intelligence Wing, a Coastal Security Wing, Ultra-modern DNA and Cyber Forensic Units and training facilities through BPSPA in the last two decades. DGP said that there is hardly any area where Odisha Police has not made substantial progress in last two decades.

• "Very detailed presentations have been made on subjects like capacity building of Police Stations, people friendly policing, ethical behaviour in policing, effective use of social media, improving crime control and rate of conviction, critical incident management and issues on SAP. Important recommendations have been made by the working groups which will be taken in to consideration by State Police Hdqrs and State Government. There is an urgent need to increase the strength of Civil Police" – added DGP in his Speech.

DGP also spoke on the successful maintenance of law and order, effective crime control mechanism, successful tackling of LWE situation, establishment of integrated Anti-Human Trafficking Units in all Districts, protection of the dignity and modesty of women by ensuring their safety and security in his speech. In this connection, DGP said "All the heinous cases against women are to be treated as Red Flag Case. Investigation Unit on crime against women have been made operational in 29 Districts".

He also spoke on the establishment of Model police Station, e-office and counselling centres for women in each Districts on this occasion.

Hon'ble Chief Minister awarded certain District SsP for their good performance on implementation of CCTNS and efforts on anti-narcotic measures. For excellent implementation of CCTNS programme, SP Bhadrak District was awarded with first prize while SP Angul District was given second prize.

For providing services to people through Odisha Police Citizen Portal, SP Cuttack District and SP Kalahandi District were awarded for securing first and second position respectively. Similarly for successful destruction of cannabis plant in the State, SP Kandhamal District and SP Boudh District were awarded for securing first and Second Position respectively.

In the beginning there was presentation by IGP, Fire Services as well as by Addl. DGP, Prisons. Sri Rajesh Kumar, IGP Fire Services gave a detailed presentation on the issues pertaining to Fire Service and Home Guard Establishment. Similarly, Sri Binyanand Jha, Addl. DGP and Director Correctional Services made a presentation on the issues and prospects' of Prison Directorate.

Sri Aditya Prasad Padhi, Chief Secretary, Sri R.Balkrishnan, Development Commissioner, Sri Asit Tripathy, ACS, Home Deptt. and Sri T.K.Pandey, Principal Secretary, Finance Deptt. interacted with the delegates on various issues and challenges relavant to contemporary policing.

Sri Satyajit Mohanty, Addl. DGP cum Conference Secretary Gave the welcome address while Sri Amitabh Thakur, IGP gave vote of thanks.

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